subjective spirit

美 [səbˈdʒektɪv ˈspɪrɪt]英 [səbˈdʒektɪv ˈspɪrɪt]
  • 网络主体精神;主观精神
subjective spiritsubjective spirit
  1. Wen 's views , the subjective spirit is the art itself .


  2. Today the class teaching is facing new challenges for the comprehensive and profound social transformation calls for the subjective spirit of students .


  3. On the Subjective Spirit of Confucius Ren and Its Modern Instruction


  4. We should go on learning the subjective spirit and the subject-object way of thinking in modern western philosophy ;


  5. The Artist 's Subjective Spirit in Animated Films


  6. Man ' sself consciousness belongs to subjective spirit .


  7. To those people , four seasons time is not only a kind of objective physical phenomenon , but also a subjective spirit phenomenon .


  8. On Wen Yiduo 's Thought of Subjective Spirit


  9. World three ( information world two ) - activity of for-itself and reprocess information itself ( world of the subjective spirit );


  10. Seen from the function and aim of thing-in-itself , the curriculum management aims in developing the subjective spirit of the educators and educated .


  11. It concludes that aesthetic signs , as dynamic existence with subjective spirit , include the scope of literature and thus enhance the comprehension of the essence of literature .


  12. The " Returning to the Ancient " Trend of Thought in Literary Criticism of the Ming Dynasty and the Original Regression of the Subjective Spirit of the Literary Figures


  13. In the production of historical drama , modernity of the subjective spirit of the playwright is the premise of the guarantee of the modernity of historical drama .


  14. His aesthetic ideas are that he regards art as a tool with which to free human life , causing the man 's subjective spirit to be released out of the objective shackles .


  15. Deep inside his thoughts , the subjective spirit of chivalry and the sense of-disillusion with Daoist nihility had resulted in the contradiction in his ideological characteristics .


  16. The existence of the contempt for the subjective spirit of the playwright left room for the invasion of feudal thought , which would greatly corrode modernity of the historical drama .


  17. Reason spirit mainly includes subjective spirit , united spirit of right and obligation and moral spirit , which paves the way for the reasonable value pursuit and development for the civic education between globalization and localization .


  18. But in the stage of subjective spirit , freedom still only stays in pure individual , in completely intrinsic lay , not until in the period of objective spirit dose the concrete freedom , with practical content , appear .


  19. When Buddhism was introduced into China , " Jing " was used to describe the subjective spirit experience ( abstractive ), and it was enriched with a variety of new connotations (" Jing " in Buddhism ) .


  20. As for poets in pursuit of a plain style , their subjective spirit of ridding themselves deliberately from worldliness and the tide of fashion is of more philosophical significance in seeking reality by virtue of the abnormal .


  21. Any kind of education eventually resorts to the practice and university students should be guided to autonomously participate in the moral practice , making them consciously pursuit the life perfection and the subjective spirit richness . Finally the establishment of self-morality is realized in the process of self-promotion .


  22. Both of them have experienced the similar spiritual and mental course : from ' spiritual home-going ' propelled by ' school leavers ' plot ' and extolling of ' land-mother ' to lonely exploring conscientiously and to subjective spirit to explanation and eulogy of being converted to religion .


  23. Discussion on the Theory & the Subjective Fight Spirit by Hu Feng


  24. The theory of subjective combat spirit ;


  25. Life philosophy taken mono-honored subjective struggle spirit as core ;


  26. The literature and art thought of HuFeng that based on the core concept of subjective fighting spirit has its philosophical and aesthetic basement .


  27. Hu Feng 's realism is characterized by combating objective reality with high subjective combat spirit which combines with the depth of objective truthfulness .


  28. Today , as the science and technology progress rapidly , it is required by modern intellectual economy and educational law development that strong subjective critical spirit and creativity be built up .


  29. From then on , originating from the original Confucianists and religion , the self discipline spirit gradually becomes the long dominate subjective culture spirit in Chinese feudal society .


  30. His theories and animadversions showed the " subjective combat spirit " of Hu Feng , and a contestation which enhanced the character and the force of July Style .
